1 min read

Want to move faster? Keep it simple.

Want to move faster? Keep it simple.
Photo by Hello I'm Nik / Unsplash

You don't want to hear this, but you're overcomplicating it.

You know it.

You can probably rip out 80% of that remarkable feature you're building, and it would still be good enough to ship.

So do that.

One of the most significant impacts on team morale and product quality is how quickly you can ship code and get a feature out the door.

While many things impact that metric, one of the most foundational parts is deciding what to build and the scope of that feature.

And I'm telling you now, you're making it too complicated. I know because I fall into that trap way too often as well.

Take a step back. You want simple and smaller iterations.

Simple is not easy. In fact, breaking a problem down and finding a simple solution is one of the hardest things to do.

The antithesis is that complexity is easy.

When you think about it, you understand it's true. When you don't understand a problem, you tend to make the solution complicated.

When you don't understand your users, you throw a bunch of unnecessary features at them.

When you don't understand your code, you write painful abstractions that cause more issues later.

Simple comes from understanding.

Deep understanding.

Not just the "Yeah, I talked to a user for 30 minutes, and I've got it all figured out." It comes from a much deeper place of genuinely knowing the pain and what the user needs to do.

It comes from empathy.

After mulling over the problem for a long time, tossing and turning it in your mind, testing a few hypotheses, and talking to many people.

Then, you finally come up with a simple solution.

As I build out my products, I strive for simplicity. This keeps my code simple. It allows me to move faster and build features quicker. And that allows me to ship and get feedback.

And the feedback allows me to simplify further. It's a beautiful loop of simplicity.

So as you build your products, ask yourself. How can this be simpler?