Current status: The path to $10/month
Previous update: The path to $1/month.
I’m starting my journey into building an internet business of diversified revenue. The plan is to build out several software products, offerings, courses, and more that each brings in a little income.
I have been building my product and sharing my work these past few weeks. Some friends and family have generously paid me for my time and work.
$3 total.
Part of me doesn’t even think I should share it. But I will since I think it sets the tone. Each dollar given makes the next dollar a little more challenging.
You can beg your friends for money. You might even be able to do that each month for a while.
But sustainable revenue requires you to deliver value. And as that value increases, more people are willing to pay more money for it.
So I’ve increased my goal.
Goal: $10/month
$1 a month is too easy for people to write off. But getting $10 a month is going to be much more challenging. It needs a plan.
And to execute well.
I’ll post updates to this blog and my Twitter if you are interested in following along. My goal is to replace a regular job with my own business!